Workout Video Suggestions for our TV Pendidikan
The Hottest Workout Videos dudes will ever need. Workout includes: 70 minutes of (mind) blowing, shifting your butt, blood-circulating exercises(on certain area of your body) which will reduce even the most avid workout toff to a teary and blood-shotted eyes weakling! ~ Guaranteed.
Check the tagline for these two God-sent DVDs:
The DVD promises “While the girls align their chakras, you’ll be elevating your bandha if you know what we mean.”
The DVDs are entitled:Yoga4Dudes™
It’s to exercise videos what chicken nuggets are to health food: Yoga4Dudes isn’t an exercise video at all, it’s just beautiful, scantily clad women doing yoga!
No effort! No feeling of inadequacy! No thinking! Just kick back and watch the hottest girls in the world do the workout for you, guilt free cause it’s all legitimate yoga. What an angle!
Boner Features: You asked for it, you got it!
• Our most requested feature: the Noemie Cam, Holly Cam and Tara Cam!
• The Gratuitous Undressing Scene.
• Watch the out-takes, the alternate ending, see the double boner, and more!AVAILABLE SUMMER 2006!
From the team that brought you the infamous Yoga4Dudes, comes the hottest girls-in-their-underwear-bending-over-exercise-balls workout ever! Ballwork4Dudes!
Now lets be clear, you should not try these exercises at home. In fact, you won’t even be able to because you’ll be packing wood the size of the Washington Monument!
Yes, its all here: the Full-Frontal Third Leg Pull, the Up-Ended Hinie Thrust, and the has-to-be-seen-to-be-believed Pink-Ball Double Butt Balance!

Be advise, these are extremely sensous workouts, do not attempt unless you’re workout buddies of :

Or at least have FULL Medical Insurance Coverage!
You could even read up on these extremely healthy girls and find out if they could play the piano, speaks 4 languages and maintain a 3.9 GPA. If you wanne ask them our for dates, you’re on your own, bud!
Now if ONLY we could convince our National TV Stations to air these as 30 min workout videos on the weekends… Say Goodbye to Obesity!
Majulah Sukan Untuk Negara!